… actively in the kitchen. This year´s weather helped the growth of my vegetables a lot. Thanks to lots of sun we had an early season of tomatos, courgettes and pumpkins. You can imagine that these fruits frequently enrich our table. But you can´t eat that much in one go, so it takes time and creativity to prepare them for winter.
Having much more time this year I indeed tried various new things:
- Tomatomarmelade
- Pumpkinchutney with apple and cinnamon
- Pumpkinmarmelade with orange and red wine
- Tomatotartar with garlic and herbs
- Tomatosouce with nana and walnuts
- Ajvar – pepperapaste
Here are some photos from my Pumpkinsession:
My learning lesson from preparing pumpkin in an alternative way is that it is quite useful to put it in the oven instead of cooking it (same goes for the apple), but it should keep some consistence as you need to cook it a bit with the ingredients you like to add – like cinnamon or others. Refrain from too much sugar!